How The Manosphere Is Filling A Void Left By Feminized Modern Churches
Don’t read the above article, I’m
compelled to link simply out of common courtesy. I cannot really give a
proper wail over the stupidity of it all if I do not at least reference
what I am talking about.
No, just no, the manosphere does not
“fill a void left behind by the feminized church”, or perhaps it does in
the same way that drugs, alcohol, money and unlimited sex might fill a
void, a God sized hole in people’s spirits that can only be satisfied
with a God sized relationship.
Why does the manosphere not serve as a
good substitute? Well, there is the unbelievable hatred and bitterness
expressed by many, the unrelenting hostility towards women, the bad
theology, the cult like behavior, the attempts to replace inconvenient
Christian values with ideology and clever catch phrases like hypergamy
and AWALT, there is the pride, the arrogance, the evolutionary psych
theories, the bad psychology, the relentless talk of sexual conquest….
By their fruits you shall know them, that
is why! Your fruits are flat out rotten, people. You drive more people
away from Christianity then your animal baptizing rainbow flag flying
believers do.
All in good humor here, but anybody ever hear And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone…..
It is so not good! Like, hello people! Maybe God did not design an
exclusively male world run something like the Lord of the Flies?
I do not mean to be so critical, to paint
everyone with the same brush, there are a few good manopsherians that
actually take their theology very seriously, that actually do recognize
what Christ taught, but oh there are others, others who use scripture to
promote false things, to justify assorted sins, to promote male
dominance in all things, to present women as only partially human and it
doesn’t stop there, there are so called Christian manospherians that
double down on the racial hatred as well. You have Vox Day actually
calling himself the voice of God and his dread ilk with their so called
Social Justice Campaign, and Dalrock who deletes all dissent, while
promoting this idea that all women are spawns of satan.
It is not church people. It is so not
Christ either. It is validation and justification for every feminist
ideal ever dreamed up, no matter how harebrained and foolish.
The ostracizing, the bullying, the
doxing, the harassment, the threats, I know, I know, it is the internet,
we cannot control what everyone does and says, but those are the fruits
of such foolishness and I have seen them. These are real things, ugly
things. Just stop it already.
Oh, I could carry on and on bemoaning the
perversion of such beautiful theology, the mangling of the very image
of Christ himself, the never ending bits of stupidity being presented as
so called “sound religious reasoning” in the hearts of such bitter and
wounded men.
The author of this bit of nonsense says, I haven’t been to church in 20 years. But I vicariously live through other Christian bloggers…
Yeah, so called Christian bloggers who
tell you to stay away from church because it’s been feminized. Bloggers
who continuously promote hatred in Christ’s name, bloggers who wouldn’t
know the bible if it bit them on the behind.
I really don’t know why I care, why I
cannot let it go, why my whole spirit is consumed with despair and fury
when I see this sort of thing going on, but it is true. I am driven to
speak out against this over and over again.
Honestly, I don’t think the enemy himself could have written a better line than this,
“….because whether you realize it or
not, ROK, Tom Leykis, Dalrock, and the hundreds of others sites that
have evolved over the past 10 years to reconstitute the wisdom that was
lost since the 1960’s, are a perfect, dare I say, superior substitute.
We are the new “church.”
A superior substitute? Oh dear Lord. It
is Christ’s church people, there are no substitutes! It has always been
Christ’s church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Then he says, “Of course, we are not preaching salvation…”
You don’t say?? Of course not. Christ
without salvation, why am I not surprised? We’re going to provide you
with everything you might find in faith, in church, in religion, except
Ai yi yi, let me whack my head on my desk a few times.
Yes. I firmly believe no christian make can be involved in the mgtow movement