From the Department of Redundancy, I
was going to title this post, “VD is wrong,” but some things are just
such a given there really is no reason to repeat them. Never mind the
man however, it is the subject matter of his post I wish to address
because some of these concepts speak to a spirit in America that my
patriotic little soul rejects vehemently.
The post is called What “Independence” Day and begins, “I don’t celebrate the 4th of July. I don’t celebrate “Independence Day.” He proceeds to explain that the law is dead and America is a corpse. Allegedly one simply cannot resurrect a corpse.
He than proceeds to explain, “Tibetan religious tradition has it that when the Dalai Lama dies, the Buddha of Compassion leaves his body and incarnates in the body of a young child.”
Well, perhaps. He seems to have forgotten
the part about the sky burial, where first we drag the body out to the
farthest place in the wilderness and allow the carrion to pluck the
flesh from its bones. Such a gentle phrase, “sky burial,” a rather
appalling and graphic reality, but one that should please those who
take their environmental issues and composting seriously.
Than he says, “For many years, conservatives and other freedom lovers have placed their trust in the Republican Party.”
Okay, so step one for managing to locate America in the dark armed with nothing more than two hands and a flashlight, America is not a corpse.
She is alive and well in the spirit of her people, those who fight on
amidst a great deal of abuse. Those who stand firm here on her soil.
Those who are actually willing to engage with the culture.
Step two, America in not a Tibetan monk.
Nor is she a Buddhist at all. America is a Christian nation founded on
Christian values. Yes, even the freedom to not believe is a Christian
value. You cannot separate America from her Christian heritage and this
is one of the issues that currently plagues us.
Step three, as a Christian nation, if we
ever did place our hope and trust in the Republican party than we are
fools indeed, because our eyes are always to be on Jesus Christ, our
hope is to live in Him. I am not a member of the Republican kingdom, I
am the daughter of a most high God, a heavenly kingdom, serving the King
of Kings. The Republican party could implode, slide off the road, and
wind up in ditch, and it wouldn’t impact my values one bit.
Step four, the very heart and soul of Christian faith is all about Resurrection, life more abundant. “The
thief comes not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come
that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.“-John 10:10
“I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.“
As Christians we have absolutely no business declaring our country
dead. We have been handed a sacred trust, we have an obligation here.
One does not simply wash their hands of sacred honor, of that which men
have died for.
To his credit, Vox does manage to eventually conclude that, “America is dead. Let us go, then, and find her.“
True indeed, but let us first make sure we are looking for her in the right place.
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