I speak of Teddy Spaghetti, “Vox Day,” also known as Theodore Beale who has finally been shut down by Blogger. Night Wind has done a fabulous job of telling the story here in, “VOX DAY BITES THE DIRT.” I wouldn’t grieve VD too much, sadly he is well connected and will soon probably return to praising Anders Breivik, promoting rabid antisemitism, luring broken young men into foolishness, all while totally mangling evangelism and misrepresenting my Lord.
My Lord. Mine. He can be yours too, I am just saying I claim His name and so I take some dominion over His affairs, not unlike a mom takes some authority over her own neighborhood. I’m an epic fail at it too, if you look about the world. Somebody smart once told me, we can at least aim to be like a 13 yr old Jesus. What was he doing at the temple when his parents misplaced Him? Being about the Father’s business.
We all need to be about the Father’s business.
I really like what Night Wind said here, “One of Vox’ only truly amazing accomplishments was to unite people of widely different political and social beliefs to join together and put a stop to what he was doing.” Right? I have spent a good decade among the red pills, the manosphere, the far right, meeting some interesting characters, many who I am rather fond off, some not so much. Some really still need a good spiritual epiphany right upside the head.
How encouraging it is to know that we really can soften our hearts, set aside our differences, and work together to speak up and stand against evil. And by “work” I simply mean speaking to one another, dialoguing, networking, and praying. Roosh has found the Lord and become an orthodox Christian. Dalrock felt led to shut down his blog. Milo has rejected homosexuality and returned to his Catholic roots. Heartiste, well just keep praying. There are many, many others whom the Lord loves, who the Lord is calling to.
One reason why we all need Jesus is that besides personal salvation, mercy, grace, and healing, He is a unifying force. He provides us with the standard for what is good. Ten people are going to have ten different ideas about censorship. The obvious and somewhat well reasoned answer to why Blogger finally shut down Vox Day is because he has been posting a lot of anti vaxx stuff lately. That’s the material world’s evidence, but in the spiritual? He was exploiting broken and wounded men, leading them in the wrong direction, and attaching the Lord’s name to some potential wrong doing. That’s a huge no. Not okay. Before we speak His name we need to make sure our heart (and mind) is right and not use His name to manipulate vulnerable and hurting people.
The Bible says, “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
His little ones, His, are a lot of lost young men trying to navigate their way in a broken world, looking for guidance, looking for a father figure and a mentor. The last thing they need is someone exploiting them financially, misrepresenting the Lord, and teaching them to hate. My heart has just been broken watching this evil go on for so long. It’s like a form of spiritual and emotional prostitution or something. At least with the literal kind, you get something out of the deal. With Vox you’re just going to get fleeced, rejected, doxxed, and bullied.
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