My biological clock is freaking me out,
not mine this woman, Erin’s. The only thing that freaks me out about my
biological clock is if someone were to find a way to rewind it. Now
that is the stuff of nightmares. A doctor recently told me, you could
conceivably have another child and I thought, you could conceivably
become the bad smell coming from my attic too, but we don’t need to
address every possible hypothetical here, do we?
So Erin’s post has annoyed me and feeling
rather cranky today, I must lament the matter. How bloody stupid do you
have to be?? I mean, seriously! Our ancestors managed to figure out how
to reproduce without sex education, government reproductive policies,
or an entire institution called feminist academia.
Also, talk about First World Problems of
your own making! Woe is me, people in the world are starving, getting
torn apart from war, and I’m horribly oppressed by my own inability to
figure out how to have a baby. Wahhhh…..
Now genuine fertility problems are one
thing, but I’m so smart and edjumacated I’ve managed to think and reason
my reproductive choices into a corner, not so much.
I should cut the poor woman some slack,
she acknowledges that she doesn’t just want to have a baby, she wants to
have a husband to have a baby with, too. The problem is she wants a
husband entirely on her terms and the guy is really nothing more than a
fashion accessory, a handbag that is going to accessorize her baby
making adventures.
I think what ticks me off about this
woman is how self-absorbed she is. She declares herself to always have
been pro-choice, but now that it doesn’t benefit me and I’m actually
discussing getting pregnant on “accident,” I’m not so pro-choice
anymore. What is this, like some sort of subjective morality? Why yes,
yes it is. My own values and desires have now shifted so morality just
magically shifts, too. Yeah, that little pro-choice thing, never mind, I
want a baby now. What was once just a meaningless clump of cells, is
now my future baby. Mine!
Also, how does one
accidentally-deliberately get oneself pregnant in the hopes that some
man will feel trapped to marry you and is that even ethical? No, no of
course it is not, hence her hesitation. Of course, that’s what her own
mother “had” to do.
She goes on to say, “I feel like a
bad feminist, like a baby-crazed lunatic for even thinking that falling
in love and having a family is what I want instead of having a powerful
career, inner peace or what have you.”
I am filled with empathy. No, no I am
not. I am actually filled with memories and twinges of resentment over
all the things my fem friends used to say to me when I decided I wanted
to be a wife and mother.
“That’s for women who have nothing valuable to contribute to the world!”
“Well, if that’s all you think you’re worth.”
“Why are you throwing your life away?”
“What a waste.”
“All I can say is, I hope the sex is worth it.”
Okay, that last one makes me laugh. It’s
been many years, but a woman I once called a friend actually said that
to me. She met my husband, completely nixed him, and then implied I was
incapable of reason, a sell out to my own sexual desires which had
obviously clouded my brain. It was rather hurtful at the time, but today
I embrace it with good humor. Yes, I married for sex. Yes, it was worth
it! Also, the fuzzy dice hanging from the rear view mirror simply
enchanted me. What can I say, I am a vain and shallow creature.
Said friend went on to marry a man
herself, then decided she was a lesbian and divorced him. Than ten years
later started dating men again. Apparently knowing my own heart was a
very shameful thing.
There’s been a frolicking internet debate
over evolution, evo/psych theories, and the movie Idiocracy was
mentioned. In the movie all the smart and edjumacated people stop having
babies because they are so busy calculating cost effectiveness and
proper timing. They edit themselves right out of the reproductive
equation entirely and only the “stupid” people keep making babies,
creating a world composed entirely of stupid people. It’s a somewhat
humorous piece of sci/fi.
Now, I really don’t subscribe to theories
of evolution or survival of the fittest or assorted pop science
nonsense like evo/psych, but using my imagination here, what if the
wealthy, successful, edjumacated people where actually the least fit?
What if they were really the ones mother nature was editing out of the
equation? What if those of us in the trailer park were actually the fit,
smart, and adaptive ones?
What of our entire perceptions of reality were wrong? What if our materialistic Western values and endless emphasis on intellectualism and stuff, were actually a de-evolution?? What if those we perceive to be the elite, the fit, the best that humanity has to offer, are actually a bizarre genetic fluke about to get kicked out of the gene pool? Of course in order to believe this we also have to believe there is no Lifeguard on duty.
What if those of us who really took those words to heart, “He which made them at the beginning made them male and female……Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth,”
what if we accidentally stumbled into a plan for human beings vastly
superior to our own attempted designs? What if those words were actually
given to us as a guidebook to happiness and fulfillment? What if the
One who made us, knowing our nature, knowing how we will feel towards
the middle of our lives, the end of our lives, handed us a recipe
designed to bring us the most contentment and peace?
What if our silly brains and relentless
quest for intelligence was actually a disability, a genetic defect that
causes us to create problems for ourselves that don’t even exist?? What
if the “stupid” people are actually vastly superior to us??
I say this all in good humor because I am
one, one of those intelligent people more than capable of thinking
myself right into the corner. A corner God has frequently placed me in
so I will discover the error of my ways.
Thank God, because if not for that
constant intervention, I would be in the middle of my life, surrounded
by a dozen cats, explaining to everyone how gender is only a social
construct while bemoaning my inability to reproduce. Seriously Erin, but
for the grace of God, there go I.
By the way, how come sexual orientation
is written in stone, something you are born with, while gender itself is
something so fluid you get to choose??
Never mind, I hear the corner calling me again.
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