I have been on the internet for a long
time, from back in the days of giant computers and painfully slow dial
up connections, from the days of news groups and subscription feeds. I
know how brave people can be when they’re hiding behind a keyboard,
thinking themselves all cloaked in anonymity and the games they will
play, the freedom they will explore and run with. People can be pretty
astounding when they think no one is watching, when they believe there
will be no consequences for their actions.
People have said many mean things to me
over the years. There have been numerous heated debates. I’ve had photo
shops posted showing me in a variety of unattractive poses, my identity
compromised, my words mocked and misquoted. These things are to be
expected when you engage with people on-line.
Something changed however when politics
really came onto the intertoob scene. I do blame President Obama for
changing the tone, for his piss poor leadership skills when he told
people to go “get in their faces” and “they bring a knife, you bring a
gun.” President Obama unleashed his campaign armies onto the internet
and gave them permission to behave in ways we had not really seen prior.
They weren’t just on a mission to share ideas or discuss issues, they
were on a campaign of personal destruction, to seek out their targets
and completely annihilate them.
Death threats became common, threats
against your family and children, doxing, tracking people down and
notifying employers. Trolls have always been around, but “trolls” became
something new, they became warriors for a cause, people who took those
words to heart, “get in their faces, bring a gun to knife fight”. People
on the internet were no longer seen as people, but rather enemies of
the cause. I do not make this up, many trolls were actually paid for the
With this came a culture that thought
nothing of making death threats, threats of rape, dismemberment,
assorted forms of brutality and various relentless psychological
techniques, such as “why don’t you just kill yourself, you’re worthless
anyway.” “Here’s the woman your husband is sleeping with.” “Do you know
where your kid is right now?”
If they were particularly evil they could
track you on facebook and discover where your kids might be on any
given day or pinpoint your precise address. They could contact
employers, make phony reports to child protective services, basically
try to harass you into compliance with whatever belief system they were
I’ve changed screen names, identities,
blogs, trying to elude these kind of people a few times. It’s not a lot
of fun having people come at you when you cannot see who they are and
you do not really know how much of what they say is bluster and bravado
and how much poses a genuine threat. It can be scary if you don’t know
what you’re dealing with. The last nasty incident I had, I threw in the
towel and just doxed my own self. Bring it on people, you’re not even
going to intimidate me into hiding anymore.
That failed leadership from President
Obama and the actions of some professional trolls, created a whole lot
of amateurs who began to emulate that same kind of behavior. It’s how
many people now believe they can “win” debates. It’s how some people try
to promote their social causes. It doesn’t work, it is a complete
forfeit. Such hostility and abuse does not engender people to whatever
you are arguing for. It can however, scare some people into silence.
I see our kids trying to emulate this
kind of behavior on the internet, I see women doing it to each other on
facebook, and I certainly see feminists and mens rights activists
engaging in it.
I have stayed up half the night talking
with the other collateral damage of some of this same kind of
cyberbullying. If you’re already depressed or dealing with some life
stress, having a dozen people telling you you should just kill yourself
is a pretty tough thing to go through. If you’re a woman, threats of
rape and dismemberment can have a powerful affect on your fear level. If
you’ve ever been a victim of crime and you now have random strangers
you don’t even know threatening you, it can send people into hiding. Men
can and have killed themselves over this kind of thing. So have several
It’s not a joke.
Words have power. At the other end of
your words is a real live person, a person you cannot see, so you have
no way of knowing what they are going through, what challenges they are
facing, what their mental state is. When people go on the internet, it
is putting themselves out there, it is like reaching out in a social
situation. People are not your tools to vent your frustrations on. They
are not avatars you get to shoot down, they are real people.
There are a handful of so called
Christian men and women who engage in this sort of thing, mostly red
pills and some mens rights activists. I’m telling you, don’t do it.
Don’t. Just stop it. Not only does that become a stain on your soul
personally, it drives people away from your cause, it creates and
validates the precise caricature people already have of you and the
issues you claim to advocate for. You don’t win hearts and minds that
way and you sure don’t honor your own salvation.
Everybody loses their cool, everybody
says something wrong in the heat of the moment. That happens, you
apologize and move on. I speak of those who actually outright advocate
cyberbullying as a tactic. That is the behavior of fools and weak minded
men and women who really ought to know better.
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