Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Listen Up, Red Pills

You take the red pill: you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” – Morpheus, The Matrix

For those who don’t know, the Red Pills are those who fancy themselves having falling down the rabbit hole and managed to nibble off the correct mushroom, now bravely going about the business of perceiving the world as it really is, rather than as they want it to be. They and only they, have the intestinal fortitude to face the truth no matter how harsh and gritty it can be. Everyone else is still existing in a blue pill world of illusion.

A lot of men find this idea appealing, a lot of Christian men, and a handful of women. Some Red Pill women are, well….let me just say that you do not ever want to have to visit the female psyche in all it’s raging psychosis. It can be downright dark and scary there. I’ve met her several times. Trust me, she’s not for the faint of heart.

It’s not all bad. Some Red Pills may in fact have the wisdom to take what is useful and leave the rest behind. Some may actually have some powers of discernment. I pray this is true, but I do tend to get my mushrooms all confused, which is very bad thing indeed and can lead to blue pill delusions if you’re lucky, death if you aren’t.

Red Pills mostly focus on men, often relationships between men and women. They’ve picked up some nuggets of wisdom here and there, but their ability to come so close to the truth and then just go plunging into the abyss is really quite astounding. The cheese done slid off the cracker in many cases.
One frequent problem is that they often seem to confuse love and loyalty with Stockholm syndrome. For those who don’t know, Stockholm syndrome is when your psyche breaks and you start to empathize with your captors as a matter of survival. Crazy, I know, but when you think you have to crush somebody’s psyche to make them love you, you got issues.

Another problem they often have is they seem to forget that women are actually real people. This may well be because so many of them don’t seem to interact with women very often. So they become very male focused and their ideal for relationships seems to involve a matrimonial trinity of me, myself, and I.

So this “harsh gritty truth” they so bravely face often involves the idea that women can never really love them as they desire to be loved, that women are mindless victims of our own hypergamy, that we are incapable of loyalty and empathy, and that men must always remain in complete control at all times so as to never risk anything akin to sacrifice or vulnerability.

It’s just the same old standard and incredibly boring forms of emotional abuse, repackaged as some sort of great Red Pill truth. It is the process of dehumanizing women and emotionally detaching yourself so you can then justify your own ego and indifference.

There are many people in the internet working very hard to speak out against feminism, to speak in favor of marriage, to promote Christian values, to heal and nurture gender relationships. This can be extremely difficult when you have other people roaming around, promoting the exact opposite.

I have a Red Pill truth for you all and it is a tough one. Love actually requires risk, vulnerability, humility, and sacrifice, and it is often painful. Yes, it will cost you. The opposite of love is indifference, control, and dehumanizing the object of your alleged affection.

At the very least what so many of you are advocating is the avoidance of intimacy and the emotional abandonment of women and wives, ironically the most cited cause of divorce in this country. Some try to dismiss that as if women are just destroying marriages right and left on nothing but a whim. It is not a whim however, it stems from being emotionally abandoned by men who fail to understand the need to create that connection. That connection IS the whole point of marriage.


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